A message from Kevin asking alumni to join a dedication to our beloved music teacher Mr. Lee: FYI Alumni: 各位同學:李Sir的追思會已訂於六月十八日(星期一)晚上7:30在九龍城浸信會大禮堂舉行。按照李Sir生前指示,六隊合唱團將會在追思會上獻詩。其中一隊將由赤柱聖士提反書院附屬小學的舊生和香港兒童合唱團的舊生組成聯合詩班並命名為"李Sir學生合唱團"。當晚聯合詩班會獻唱The Lord Blessed You and Keep You,我將會負責聯合詩班的所有統籌工作並指揮當晚的獻唱。 第一次練習將於六月六日晚上7~9pm在鰂魚涌康怡廣場(太古站A出口)七樓香港童聲協會進行;第二次練習將於六月十三日,在同一時間同一地點舉行。 請將此訊息廣傳所有聖記及香兒舊生。參與練習不需要事先登記,到時到侯自行出席即可,遲到者一律歡迎。 如果不參與詩班但想在十八日當晚出席追思會,請自行安排時間。 如有問題,請電聯92610797 Kevin Leung
Monthly Archive: May 2012
May 25
The volunteering service event was successfully held on 20 May with SSC students and representative from SSCAA hosting children who are visually impaired to visit the campus. They all had a good time and demonstrate the spirit of St. Stephen’s! Great effort by Gordon Yen who head up this effort from SSCAA, working closely with the …
May 08
SSCAA has been working with the College and PTA to organize a volunteering activity. We welcome fellow alumni who are interested to participate in this meaningful event to show your support. Details as follows and please send an email to event@sscaa.org 聖士提反書院舊生會 聖士提反書院家長教師會 聖士提反書院學生會 明愛賽馬會赤柱青少年綜合服務 合辦 「繽紛新體會」視障學童服務計劃 服務對象:心光學校失明或弱視小三至中三學生 活動目的: 為心光學校同學提供到另一學校參與多元化活動之體驗,增廣其見聞 鼓勵聖士提反書院同學關懷視障人士,並了解其需要 …