Monthly Archive: April 2007

Apr 16

Order for Chimes 2006

Order for Chimes 2006 The College will publish the school magazines Chimes in June 2007 to cover the events from September 2004 to December 2006. A copy can be ordered, please see attached form.

Apr 15

Mr. Chak-keung Chan was interviewed on ATV News.

<b>科大研發流動空氣污染測量車<br>2007-04-15</b><P>如果要知道后海灣一帶的空氣污染,會否因為西部通道通車惡,除了問環保署外,還可以問問科大的研究人員。科大研發了一部流動空氣污染測量車,去到那裡,監測到那裡。<p> 這輛不是普通的客貨車,透過車頂的管道,抽取空氣樣本,可以一邊行走,一邊量度二氧化硫、臭氧等空氣污染物濃度,天文台定點空氣監測站量度不到的地方,它都可以量度得到:「隧道很多車,但如果有這輛車,一邊行駛到終點,首先可以比較方便量度隧道空氣質素,第二,我們可以以整條隧道,由起點到終點,不同路段和地點收集數據。」<p> 車內配備了大氣監測儀,分析空氣樣本,配合全球衛星定位,數據即時經電腦以圖表顯示:「過了清水灣,因為這路段,汽車使用密度較低,可以看見空氣污染情況低很多…紅色的一段,因為剛才上斜,車的排放多了,上斜路段交通較繁忙。」<p> 上個月馬拉松賽,科大亦應邀出動這輛車在賽道,即時量度空氣污染物濃度,他們希望籌集更 多資金,日後應用到不同的研究,他們亦會利用這輛車,到灣仔及銅鑼灣交通較繁忙的路面,收集空氣污染物數據,再作研究和分析<p><a href=’’ target=_blank></a>

Apr 13

Timothy Au-Yeung (Pak Ping) visiting Hong Kong in April.

Au-Yeung Pak Ping, old boy of Prep School and College, and also a boarder, has returned to Hong Kong from L.A. with his wife, Jenny, for holidays. Timothy used to work for the US Navy, now he works for the US Air Force !

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