Notice of Annual General Meeting
of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association and
St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited
To all members of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association, St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited, all alumni of St. Stephen’s College and all alumni of St. Stephen’s College Preparatory School.
NOTICE is hereby given THAT Annual General Meeting of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association and the First Annual General Meeting of the St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited will be held on FRIDAY 14 September 2012 at 7:00pm (Registration from 6:30pm – 7:00pm) at King’s Cuisine Restaurant, 6/F., Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong for the purpose of transacting the following businesss :
St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association
- To Approve the Minutes of Annual General Meeting of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association;
- To Receive the Chairman’s Report of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association;
- To Approve the Accounts of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association for the period ended 31 August 2012;
- To transfer the whole of the assets and liabilities of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association to St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited;
- To de-register and dissolve St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association.
St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited
- To elect the President, Vice-Presidents, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer and Members of the Executive Committee;
- To appoint auditors of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited for the period from 8 August 2012 (date of incorporation) to 30 June 2013 (end of our financial year);
- Any Other Business;
Robert Pang
Honorary Secretary of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association
Founder Member of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited
Notes :
1. This is the last AGM of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association and the First AGM of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited. All members of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association as at 8 August 2012 (date of incorporation of the Company) are automatically admitted to the corresponding category of membership in the Company.
2. Pursuant to Clause 37 of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company:
(1) The President shall not remain in the same office for more than 2 consecutive terms – the current President Mr. Lee Tat Choy Samson is not eligible for re-election as President;
(2) The President to be elected must be a present serving Executive Committee Member of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association or a previous President or Vice President of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association (otherwise than the current president);
3. In relation to the Company, a Member who is entitled to attend and vote at the above meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his stead. Only Ordinary Members who have paid up his/her Membership Subscription or Life Members are entitled to vote.
4. A form of proxy for use at the meeting will be sent by post to all eligible Voting members.
5. Proxy forms must be lodged within 30 minutes prior to the meeting.
6. A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company can be downloaded here.
7. If any member requires a hard-copy version, please contact Robert Pang at
8. Please note that Registration is essential to confirm attendees’ status as voting members.
9. A dinner will be held at the Restaurant after the AGM. Please contact Robert Pang as above if you wish to stay for dinner. (Cost of dinner will be shared by the participants)