

Jul 11

SSCAA Dragon Boat Team in Short Course Race with other alumni teams!

SSCAA Dragon Boat Team is participating in the Short Course Race at Stanley main beach on 15 July 2012. All alumni and members are welcomed to cheer for our team!
Detailed arrangements as follows:
– 9:42 am : Kappa Alumni Cup
– 11:34 am : Mixed Team

Parking arrangement :
The college is very considerate and able to offer alumni who has pre-registered to park in the campus on event day. For those who need parking arrangement, please provide the following information:

– Name
– SCCAA membership card no. ( if any )
– the car plate no.
and send an email to sscaa@sscaa.org

Please note that the deadline for parking arrangement is 12 July and that all cars must leave campus by 5:30 pm

Come and cheer for our team!


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