SSCAA Dinner Gathering with Mr. Simon Tso and Ms. Maggie Chau
SSCAA Dinner Gathering with Mr. Simon Tso and Ms. Maggie Chau
Both Mr. Simon Tso and Ms. Maggie Chau started their teaching life in the 80’s in SSC and taught SSC students for over 20 years.
There will be a dinner gathering with both respectable teachers on 4th May 2019 Sat.
Date: 4 May 2019 (Sat)
Dinner Time: 7:00 p.m.
Fee: $400 per head
Venue: HK Medical Association Club House 中環干諾道中21號華商會所大廈2字樓 (Venue changed as at 17 Apr 2019)
RSVP: Through SSCAA whatsapp 91810295