Notice of Annual General Meeting St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited 2020-2021
Notice of Annual General Meeting
St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited
To: All members of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited, all alumni of St. Stephen’s College and all alumni of St. Stephen’s College Preparatory School.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Annual General Meeting of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited will be held on SATURDAY 4 December 2021 at 5:30pm (registration from 5:00pm) at the Voting Members Box, 5/F Members Stand I, Happy Valley Racecource, Hong Kong for the purpose of transacting the following business :
To approve the minutes of Annual General Meeting of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited held on 28 November 2020 (at Appendix I);
To receive the President’s report of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited for 2020 to 2021;
To receive the audited accounts of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited for the period from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021;
To elect Members of the Executive Committee for 2021 to 2022;
To appoint Sammy Chan & Co as the auditor of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited for the period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022; and
Any other business.
Dickson LEUNG
Honorary Secretary of St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association Limited
Dated this the 30th day of October 2021