A few years ago, St. Stephen’s College Alumni Association (“Association”) promised our alma mater to raise $6 million being the costs for the installation of running tracks (SSCAA Tracks) as part of the overall reconstruction of the Big Field project between 2018 and 2022. The Association is most grateful for the generous support of several philanthropists during this period to launch a matching fund scheme so that your donation will be doubled. This scheme provides greater incentive leverage to help achieve our fund-raising target.
Notwithstanding the impact on Hong Kong that is brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and the global economic crisis, at this difficult time, we are even more anxious to enhance the quality of the long term future development of our alma mater to actively equipping students to face future challenges and to pursuit their dreams. Your support is crucial to this goal.
We sincerely urge everyone to give generously to accomplish the installation of the running tracks by completing the Association’s Big Field Reconstruction (Alumni Association Outdoor Running Track) Matching Fund Scheme donation form and send the form together with a crossed cheque or deposit slip of the donation to the College’s Administration Office. The names of the top 10 benefactors according to the donated amount will be
engraved on a commemorative plaque of the Association to acknowledge their generous support. The name of benefactors and the year of graduation will also be published from time to time on the Benefactors Commemorative
Page on the Association’s newsletter and website. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate so in the donation form.
We sincerely hope that all of you would work with us together and give back to our alma mater. For enquiry, please email to sscaatracks@sscaa.org
聖士提反書院舊生會於數年前向校方承諾於2018-2022年間,在大球場重建工程中負責籌募重鋪跑道(SSCAA Tracks)的經費共600萬港元。在此期間,舊生會十分感恩得到有心人士慷慨支持此項目,得以推出一對一配對捐款計劃,你的捐款將會增加一倍,為重建計劃發揮更大力量。