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* Please notice that this video is being approved by our Honorary Secretary Robert Pang to post at the SSCAA website.
Here are the further comment from our Honorary Secretary:
I am absolutely shocked at the accusation made by Charlie, in particular the following which appears at 20:43:
“我曾經得到師友嘅支持,贊助咗一個唔細嘅數目比呢個足球會希望足球會發展得更加好嘅。 但係我喺 Exco 裡 邊就有好多嘅反對嘅聲音,而呢個聲音即係在座2位唔係足球會嘅都有表達佢地反對嘅聲音。。。。”
The fact of the matter is that there was no opposition from Exco as to generous donation. We were very grateful for a substantial donation. However, it was Charlie himself who said that the donor did not specify whether his donation was to be used for any specific activity. The matter was then left to Charlie to come up with budgets for all sporting events, after which it would be possible to discuss how and to which activities the donation would be earmarked. (2nd Exco Meeting on 3 October 2011)
At the next Exco meeing (7 November 2011) Charlie had still not prepared a budget for all the activities under his responsibility.
It was only at the 4th Exco Meeting (5 December 2011) that Charlie had the budget, and allocation, and reported that the donor supported the donation to be used for sporting events including football and basketball. This still being unclear, Charlie was asked whether the donor wanted to have his donation earmarked for sports and the newsletter.
It was on the 5th Exco Meeting (9 January 2012) that Charlie finally had the allocation and confirmation from the donor, and then there was further discussion in subsequent meetings about how that should be treated in the books.
These meetings were all minuted. I attach relevant extracts from such minutes which shows clearly that there was no opposition, just that we wanted to make sure that the money so generously provided would be used according to the wishes of the donor.
I am also extremely disappointed that Charlie would resort to making personal attacks against Arthur, accusing Arthur of wanting to be President just to get a name (recognition). This accusation is unjust, being based on only Arthur’s temporary absence from SSCAA Exco. This is not the SSC spirit “to live good lives and to be true, in everything we do or say”.
Grateful if you could help to clarify if there are any queries.
Best Regards